Sheryl Crowell
Artist Statement
I was the kid who loved to draw and doodle in the margins of papers. I always asked for art supplies for my birthdays and Christmas gifts. I have a B.S. degree in education (not art…what was I thinking?) from a Massachusetts state college. I married and had a family.
In 1995, I went back to school, this time for art. To my delight, I loved it and did well. I studied at the University of Mary Washington from 1995-1999.
Painting people is my first choice, specifically, women and children. I paint with acrylic paint, but I also make art with inks, watercolor, collage, metal foils, and drawing pencils.
I have been a member of Art First Gallery Inc. since summer 2001. I have had three well received shows, one in May 2002, another in Sept 2004,and the third in Nov., 2006.
I enjoy seducing a viewer into my art work. Sometimes, I deliberately make pieces that are ambiguous. I painted a piece that was a Holstein cow on its belly rather like a sunbather at the beach. Others are all about pretty girls, with metal foil skin or hair.
I tell people that I am a woman of ‘a certain age’ but that I am a young artist.

Art Awards and Exhibits
Frederick Women’s Club Art show | March 1995
First Prize for drawing in the Novice category | Honorable Mention for Oil Painting in the Novice category. -
Fredericksburg Women’s Club Art show | March 2001
Honorable Mention in Oil Painting -
Central Rappahanock Library Porter Branch – July 1999
Headquarters Atrium – August 2000
Student Exhibits at University of Mary Washington – Spring 1995, 196, 1997, 1998
Honorable Mention for Painting Spring 1999